Garland Photogrammetric Services, LLC partners with our clients to ensure they receive the highest quality geospatial data services at competitive costs. Our flexible, hands on approach, allows us to better ascertain our client's needs and develop the appropriate solutions. By utilizing current technologies and sound industry standards, we build long-term client relationships focused on meeting our customers’ expectations.

Services We Provide

  • Softcopy Digital Topographic Mapping
  • Softcopy Digital Terrain Modeling
  • Softcopy Digital Orthophotography
  • Softcopy Aerotriangulation services
  • Digital planimetric mapping (as-built)
  • LiDARgrammetry
  • Volumetric calculations
  • Pit depletions
  • Airport obstruction studies
  • Title V studies
  • Digital scanning
  • G.I.S. Databases
  • Rectified geo-referenced digital imagery
  • Aerial photography oblique or vertical
  • Stereo Topographic Mapping from Drone Acquisition

Samples of digital products are available upon request.

About Us

Garland Photogrammetric Services, LLC was a dream for many years that became reality in 2008. After watching other aerial firms try to maximize their profits by cutting over head, raising prices, downsizing, and shipping their products overseas for completion all at the customer’s expense, Garland Photogrammetric knew there was a better way. Focusing on the customer, having trained personnel, offering competitive pricing, and keeping projects in house for greater quality control, everyone can succeed.

Being a family owned company, Garland Photogrammetric Services, LLC has the opportunity to diversify what projects it competes for and only commits to the projects that can be completed within the client’s time line. We can deliver the highest quality possible, on time, and within budget. By using this approach, we have created a sound company that has satisfied customers that continue to be successful and expand their geospatial data service needs.

Our principal partners have decades of experience in the geospatial industry and operations and financial management. James Hill, our Chief Operations Officer, is a certified photogrammetrist with several state certifications.

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